Department of Information Technology

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Information Technology

The Department of Information Technology was started in the year 1999 with an intake of 30 students. The first set of students graduated in the year 2003 with a pass percentage of 93.9 % .The department comprises of 12 efficient Faculty members among them 2 have got their Doctorate degree and 4 members are pursuing their PhD programme in various fields in the computer science and engineering discipline. The Department of Information Technology strives to provide hands-on education to all the students. The department has churned out outstanding engineers in the past and will continue to do so in the years to come. The B.Tech Programme was accredited by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) in the year 2008 and also in the year 2018.

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The department focuses on co-curricular activities such as workshops, seminars, and club activities to prepare students for the highly competitive job market. The objectives are to provide knowledge of modern computing systems as well as sound theoretical background to meet the evolving needs of students and instil ethical values in them. The department aims to inculcate qualities like leadership, teamwork, self-confidence and good communication skills among its students to enrich them to be a complete Engineer.

B.Tech Information Technology (4 Year Full time course)

To produce high quality, creative and ethical engineers and technologists contributing effectively for the ever advancing Information Technology field.

  • To educate the future software engineers with strong fundamentals by continuously improving the teaching learning methodologies using contemporary aids.
  • To create a knowledge hub of Information technology with everlasting urge to learn by developing, maintaining and continuously improving the resources/technology.
  • To produce ethical engineers / researchers by instilling the values of humility, humaneness, honesty and courage to serve the society.

To provide strong trustin mathematical, scientific & engineering fundamentals necessary to analyze, formulate and solve engineering problems.

  • To provide thorough knowledge in the domains of Information Technology such as Operating System, Data Base Management System, Networks, Security, Embedded systems, Data Structures, Programming Languages, Computer Architecture, Soft Computing, etc., with theoretical and practical training using contemporary aids.
  • To provide relevant engineering experience in designing and conducting experiments to analyze the significance of experimental data.
  • To inculcate the habit of continuous learning and to adapt themselves to the technological challenges throughout their career.
  • To impart technical knowledge and ethical values in the future software engineers which would contribute for their holistic development.

The Department of Information Technology has signed the following MOUs.(Memorandum of Understanding).

  • Hyntech Business Solutions Pvt Limited.
  • Phoenix Systems.
  • Avancer Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
  • Pyroferus Technologies.

The capability to apply standard and ethical practices, strategies and prototype development skills to excel in the domains such as Storage System & Management, Networks,Security,Algorithm Design, Image Processing and Distributed System.

The ability to create an innovative career path as an employer / employee for the sustainable development of the society.

The Department has spacious classrooms and well-equipped laboratories. It has three fully air-conditioned computer labs with 109 systems, all in a networked environment with an un-interrupted power supply. These systems have the most updated software and run on various platforms such as Windows and Linux. The department offers free high-speed Internet facility. The lab is equipped with 10KVA, 15KVA and 21KVA UPS for backup. Firewall set up is available to deny access to sites or programs that don't fit into the criteria.



M.E, Ph.D | Professor & HOD


B.Tech.,M.E | Associate professor


B.Tech., M.Tech.|
Asst. Professor


B.E., M.E., Assistant Professor


B.E., M.E., Assistant Professor


B.E., M.E., (Ph.D.) | Asst. Professor

Ms. O Sheela

B.E., M.E., | Asst. Professor


B.E., M.E. | Asst. Professor

Mrs. S. Gayathri

S.S.L.C |