Students can avail the following scholarship facilities provided under BC/MBC & SC/ST Scholarships offered by the Government of India and the Government of Tamil Nadu provided if they have 60% of attendance.
They can also apply for other scholarships through on line
One part time student counselor has been appointed to counsel the staff and students to overcome the psychological problems experienced by them.
Students of Final Year go an Educational Tour throughout India in order to enrich their knowledge by visiting factories, companies, etc. Staff also accompany them on tour and for this they are given TA / DA as per the rules of the college.
Students of Final Year go an Educational Tour throughout India in order to enrich their knowledge by visiting factories, companies, etc. Staff also accompany them on tour and for this they are given TA / DA as per the rules of the college.
Women Empowerment Cell is active in collegeto empower girl students, aimingat intellectual and social upliftment of the female students. Thecell standsfor facilitating women’s empowerment through guest lectures,seminars,awareness programs and welfare activities for female gender to be mentally,emotionally and financially empowered so as to promote their growth as individuals in their own right.It provides the platform to empower women with decision making capability for personal and societal challenges, to enhance the self-esteem and self-confidence of women student andtoenhance their participation on an equal footing in all areas.
The Women Empowerment cell is constituted for the year 2023-2024 with the following members to review the Security arrangements for Girls Student and also ensure a safe working environment for the Women Employees.
The members of the cell | Name of members | Designation | Position in the cell | Phone number |
1. | Dr. Pranati Katyal | Professor / EEE | Convener | 9445798012 |
2. | Mrs. P.Asha | HOD&Asso.Prof./CSE | Co convener | 9176677301 |
3. | Mrs. A. Jeyanthi | Asso. Prof. /CSE | Member | 9840025057 |
4. | Dr. T. Sasikala | Asso. Prof., ECE | Member | 9940110297 |
5. | Mrs. Mona Vishalakshi Devi | Asst. Prof., Maths | Member | 9791135369 |
6. | Mrs.Grace Rathinam | Principal C.L Baid Metha College of Pharmacy | Outside Member | 044-24960425 |
7. | Ms. M. Roshini | Student, III yr, CSE | Student member | 044-24962270 |
8. | Ms. Subiksha | Student, III yr, ECE. | Student member | 044-24962270 |
In the recent state of affairs we find huge number of women marching towards success in their personal and professional lives. Behind the confidence and strength of these women lies the feminine grace that fights all the odds that come their way...And we at Misrimal Navajee Munoth Jain Engineering College where the population of women is on par or even slightly more than that of men , we wish to take this opportunity and form a team of leaders who would represent the various problems faced by the students ,staff and faculty members.
A committee is constituted by MisrimalNavajeeMunoth Jain Engineering College in order to promote a healthy work environment.
The Complaints Cum Redressal Cell Committee compromises of the following members: | Name of members | Designation | Position in the cell | Phone number |
1. | Dr. C. Chandrasekar Christopher | Principal | Chairman | 044-24962270 |
2. | Dr.Pranati Katyal | Prof/EEE | Convenor | 9445798012 |
3. | Dr.ShanthiNachiappan | Prof & HOD /MBA | Member | 9444563146 |
4. | Mrs.D.Mythily | Asso.Prof/ECE | Member | 9444172225 |
5. | Ms. Mary Surya Kala | Asso.Prof&HOD/English | Member | 7904637047 |
6. | Mrs.GraceRathinam | Principal C.L Baid Metha College of Pharmacy | Outside Member | 044-24960425 |
Anti-Ragging Committee is constituted with following members for the academic year 2024-2025.
The Chairman and members of the committee will take necessary action to Curb the Menace and prevent Ragging inside and outside the campus. The members will submit a weekly report on the status of compliance with Anti Ragging measures under these regulations, during the first three months of an academic year and also a monthly report on such status to the Chairman who will scrutinize the report and submit it to the Principal for onward transmission to the Anna University and UCG on the subject as prescribed vide para No: 9.4 of the above UGC Regulations taking follow up action | Name of members | Designation | Position in the cell |
1. | Dr. C. Chandrasekar Christopher | Principal | Chairman |
2. | Mr. Prabhu | Inspector of Police | Member |
3. | Mr. Radhakrishnan | Tashildar, Sholinganallur | Member |
4. | Mr.Bhaskaran.B | NGO | Member |
5. | Mr. Ravichandran | Business | Member |
6. | Mr. MKT Nivaskumar | Placement Officer | Nodal Officer |
7. | Mr. V. Abinanthan | Student-III year-ECE | Member |
8. | Ms. D. Derlin Mano | Student – III year-IT | Member |
The Planning and Monitoring Board of the college is reconstituted with the following members | Name of members | Designation | Position in the cell |
1. | Dr. C. Chandrasekar Christopher | Principal | Chairman |
2. | Mrs.Pranati Katyal | Associate Professor-EEE | Member |
3. | Dr.K.M.Paramasivam | Professor, Dept.of Aerospace Engineering, MIT | Member |
4. | Mr.R.Vijayarajeswaran | M.D,VI Micro System | Member |
5. | Shri.C.R.Sasi | Chartered Engineer | Member |
6. | Shri. R.Vijayakumar | Vice President, Intellect Design | Member |
7. | Dr.B.Mohan | Professor & Head, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Anna University | Member |
8. | Dr.M.Muttharam | Professor, Dept of Soil Mechanics & Trust Engineering | Member |
The Discipline and Welfare Committee of the college is reconstituted with the following members | Name of members | Designation | Position in the cell |
1. | Dr. C. Chandrasekar Christopher | Principal | Chairman |
2. | Dr.J.Nithiyanandam | Prof. & HOD, Mech. | Member |
3. | Dr.N.Jaisankar, | Prof. & HOD, ECE | Member |
4. | Dr.N.Gnanasekaran | Prof. & HOD, EEE | Member |
5. | Dr. C. Krishnakumar | Prof. & HOD, Civil | Member |
6. | Dr. N. Saravanan | Prof. & HODi/c, CSE | Member |
7. | Dr. P. Venugopal | HOD, ECE | Member |
8. | Dr. T. Sasikala | Asso.Prof., ECE | Member |
9. | Dr. Nasrin Banu | HOD, Chemistry | Member |
10. | Mrs.E. Mona Visalakshi Devi | HOD i/c, Maths | Member |
11. | Mr. R. Ravikumar | HOD, AIDS | Member |
12. | Mrs. A. Jeyanthi | Physical Director | Member |
13. | Mr. N. Chandrasekaran | HOD, CSBS | Member |
A Committee has been constituted for the year 2024-2025 with the following members to redress the Grievance of the students of our College. | Name of members | Designation | Position in the cell |
1. | Dr. C. Chandrasekar Christopher | Principal | Chairman |
2. | Dr.N.Gnanasekaran | Prof & HOD,EEE | Member |
3. | Dr.J.Nithyanandam | Prof & MECH | Member |
4. | Dr. P. Venugopal | HOD, ECE | Member |
5. | Dr.N.Jaisankar | HOD, IT | Member |
6. | N. Saravanan | HOD, CSE | Member |
7. | Dr. C. Krishnakumar | HOD, Civil | Member |
8. | Dr. Pranati Katyal | Professor, EEE | Member |
9. | Dr. P. Abirami | Prof. & HOD, MBA | Member |
10. | Dr. K. Jayabharathi, | Professor, ECE | Member |
11. | Mrs. Mona Visalakshi Devi | Asst. Prof., Maths | Member |
12. | Dr. C. Murugesan | Principal, D B Jain College of Arts and Science | Outside Member |
The committee will consolidate the Grievances received from the students and convener will sent status report every month to the Chairman for Redressal.
A Committee has been constituted with the following members for prevention of atrocities against SC/ST during the academic year 2024-2025. | Name of members | Designation | Position in the cell |
1. | Dr. C. Chandrasekar Christopher | Principal | Chairman |
2. | Dr. N. Gnanasekaran | Professor, EEE | Member |
3. | Mrs. A. Jeyanthi | Asso. Prof., AIDS | Member |
4. | Mr. P. Arun Prasad | Asst. Prof., ECE | Member |
5. | Ms.V.Nandhini | Asso. Prof., IT | Member |
6. | Mrs. E. Mona Vishalakshi Devi | Asst. Prof., Maths | Member |
The chairman and members of the committee will take necessary action for safe guarding the interests of Scheduled Caste and the Scheduled Tribes students inside and outside the campus. The members will submit a weekly and a monthly report to the Chairman who will scrutinize and submit the report to AICTE.
Anti-Drugs Club / Committee is constituted with following members for the academic year 2023-2024. | Name of members | Designation | Position in the cell |
1. | Dr. C. Chandrasekar Christopher | Principal | Chairman |
2. | Mr. Vijayan | Inspector of Police | Member |
3. | Mr. Manisekar | Tashildar, Sholinganallur | Member |
4. | Mr. B. Baskaran | NGO | Member |
5. | Mrs. V. Smrithi Vasudevan | Business | Member |
6. | Mr. Vakeesan | Student-III year-Mech. | Member |
7. | Mr. R. Vinoth | Student – III year-CSE | Member |
8. | Mr. MKT Nivaskumar | Placement Officer | Member |
A Committee has been constituted for the year 2024-2025 with following members | Name of members | Designation | Position in the cell |
1. | Dr. C. Chandrasekar Christopher | Principal | Chairman |
2. | Dr.J.Nithyanandam | Prof. & HOD, MECH | Member |
3. | Dr.N.Jaisankar | Prof & HOD,IT | Member |
4. | Dr.N.Gnanasekaran | Prof & HOD,EEE | Member |
5. | Dr. N. Saravanan | Prof. & HOD, CSE | Member |
6. | Dr. C. Krishnakumar | Prof. & HOD, Civil | Member |
7. | Dr. P. Venugopal | HOD, ECE | Member |
8. | Dr. P. Abirami | Prof. & HOD, MBA | Member |
9. | Mrs. A. Jeyanthi | HOD, AIDS | Member |
10. | Mr. N. Chandrasekaran | HOD, CSBS | Member |
A Committee has been constituted for the year 2024-2025 with following members | Name of members | Designation | Position in the cell |
1. | Dr. C. Chandrasekar Christopher | Principal | Chairman |
2. | Dr. N. Gnanasekaran | Prof. & HOD, EEE | Member |
3. | Dr.J.Nithyanandam | Prof. & HOD, MECH | Member |
4. | Dr. P. Venugopal | Prof. & HOD, ECE | Member |
5. | Dr.N.Jaisankar | Prof & HOD,IT | Member |
5. | Dr.N.Gnanasekaran | Prof & HOD,EEE | Member |
6. | Dr. C. Krishnakumar | Prof. & HOD, Civil | Member |
7. | Dr.N.Saravanan | Prof. & HOD, CSE | Member |
8. | Dr. P. Abirami | Prof. & HOD, MBA | Member |
9. | Mrs. A. Jeyanthi | HOD, AIDS | Member |
10. | Mr. N. Chandrasekaran | HOD, CSBS | Member |
11. | Mr. Norman | HR, Infosys | Member |
12. | Mr.Shankar | HR, ZOHO | Member |
A Committee has been constituted for the year 2024-2025 with following members for the students with disabilities. | Name of members | Designation | Position in the cell |
1. | Dr. C. Chandrasekar Christopher | Principal | Chairman |
2. | Dr. C. Krishnakumar, | Prof., Civil | Member |
3. | Dr. N. Gnanasekaran | Prof., EEE | Member |
4. | Dr. P. Venugopal | Asso. Prof., ECE | Member |
5. | Mrs. G. Sridevi | HOD, Physics | Member |
6. | Mr. V. Viswanathan | Librarian | Member |
7. | Mr. Balaji R | Student, III yr, IT | Member |
8. | Thanmayee R | Student, III yr, CSE | Member |
9. | Mr. K. Sathish Kumar | Parent | Member |
10. | Mr. Ravi N | Parent | Member |
A Committee has been constituted for the year 2024-2025 with following members: | Name of members | Designation | Position in the cell |
1. | Dr. C. Chandrasekar Christopher | Principal | Chairman |
2. | Dr. C. Krishnakumar | Prof., Civil | Member |
3. | Dr. N. Gnanasekaran | Prof., EEE | Member |
4. | Dr. J. Nthyanandam | HOD, Mech | Member |
5. | Dr. N Jaisankar | HOD, IT | Member |
6. | Dr. P. Venugopal | Asso. Prof., ECE | Member |
7. | Dr. N Saravanan | HOD, CSE | Member |
8. | Dr. P. Abirami | HOD, MBA | Member |
9. | Mrs. A. Jayanthi | HOD, AI&DS | Member |
10. | Mr. N. Chandrasekaran | HOD, CS&BS | Member |
11. | Mrs. G. Sridevi | HOD, Physics | Member |