The Department of Management Studies of MNM Jain Engineering College is a offering MBA programme affiliated to anna university since 2005. The Department has produced more than 500 capable, competent and committed professionals. Apart from the regular curriculum, the extra curricular and co-curricular activities make the young managers as full fledged managers. The department produces good academic results and consistently produces university ranks.
The department has constant interaction with the industry in the form of Guest Lectures, Industrial Visits, etc. The department has various clubs like Readers Club, Marketing Club,Finance Club, HR Club and Entrepreneurship Club.
The Department has created good number of entrepreneurs who provide employment opportunites to others. The placement record of the department is really commendable. State of art infrastructure available in the department makes it a wonderful place to pursue the MBA degree programme.
To produce high quality managers and entrepreneurs who are creative ethical with humility to contribute continuously to the development of the society
State of the art infrastructure, A/C Lab, A/C Seminar Hall, Well Stocked Library, Well furnished class rooms, etc.
A/C Lab with 30 terminals with internet connectivity
MBA programme curriculum is designed to prepare the post graduate students
Apply the acquired business management knowledge to manage the business in an innovative way.
Able to manage businesses by using the ever-changing technological tools.
Topic : “Financial Awareness Program”
Guest Name : Mr.P.S.T. Rajkumar
Designation : Financial Education Counsellor, ICICI Foundation
Date : 30.08.2024
Program : Guest Lecture
“Financial Literacy and Awareness Programme” given by our guest Mr.P.S.T. Rajkumar,
Financial Education Counsellor&Coordinator of South Zone , ICICI Foundation.
The session aimed to provide students with a better understanding of personal
finance, financial literacy and the significance of financial planning in today’s world. He
discussed about the basic understanding of finance which helps in making decisions about
savings, expenses and investments. He also stressed on ‘money mistakes’ one makes in
life and how to manage investment and credits. The lecture included tips on planning for
retirement (pension schemes), importance of insurance in financial risks, understanding
tax-saving investments and also discussed about various investment options (EPF &
PPF). He also highlighted about the reasons for less CIBIL score and its importance. The
guest guided where to invest one’s money for better and safer savings. The session
concluded with interactive Q&A. Overall, the guest lecture was highly insightful, leaving
the students with a clearer understanding of how to manage their finance effectively and
to take control of their financial future.
Topic : “Shaping the Future : Talent Acquisition”
Guest Name : Dr.V.Rangarajan
Designation : Academician & Motivational Speaker
Date : 26.09.2024
Program : Guest Lecture
The guest began by explaining the concept of talent acquisition as a strategic process focused on attracting, recruiting and retaining talent. The guest highlighted some of the key challenges faced by talent acquisition professionals such as finding candidates with right skill and competing with other organizations for top talent. He also stressed the importance of thorough preparation before any interview including researching the company and understanding the role. The guest also covered key points like communication skills, body language, active listening, dressing and professionalism to perform effectively in an interview. The guest provided valuable knowledge on how talent acquisition is evolving and how to excel in interviews. Overall, the guest lecture was highly informative and providing students with clear strategies for succeeding in job interviews.
Topic : “Healthy Life”
Guest Name : Ms.Kavitha Hariharan
Designation : Clinical Psychologist, Apollo Shine
Date : 29.08.2024
The aim of the guest lecture was to make awareness about “How to maintain a healthy
life and to handle stress”. The guest started by explaining the importance of holistic and
emotional well-being. The guest highlighted the various sources of stress including academic
pressure, work-related stress, personal challenges, financial worries and environmental
factors and how it affects mental and physical health of an individual.
Reducing stress: Engaging in regular mindfulness practices to reduce anxiety, doing regular
physical activities to improve mental health and breathing exercises to control palpitation.
Building resilience was discussed as a key strategy in stress management through
maintaining strong social connections, practicing gratitude and staying optimistic.
The guest lecture was highly insightful and well-received by the students.
Guest Name : Dr. V. Raghu Raman
Designation : Chief Advisor – MIRA & VP of FAI
Date : 14.11.2023
Program : Guest Lecture
Branch Manager : SBI, Retail Agency Channel
The aim of the guest lecture was to make the students to understand the pathway from Campus to Corporate. The guest started the session with an explanation about MBA and asked the students to learn continuously, to develop their critical thinking, out of box thinking and decision making skills - since these are the skills recognized by the industries. During his presentation, the guest highlighted about significance of MBA which is the passport to success. He gave an insight about the transition from a student in college to an employee in a corporate in terms of culture, communication, etiquette and manners, commitment, networking and different thinking. The guest explained about ASK (Attitude, Skills and Knowledge) concept to KASH concept (Knowledge, Attitude, Skills and Habits) which plays a vital role for getting into the corporate world. Eventually, the students had question and answer session in which many of the students cleared their doubts. Overall the session was more interactive and informative.
MBA department has organized an Industrial visit to “Aavin Dairy Products” Ambattur on 18.10.2024. The visit consisted of 46 students along with two faculty members. Industrial visit is a part of the college curriculum and holds a special place in the professional career of students. It helps students to get insight into real-world problems. Students can understand the internal working of an organization through an industrial visit. During the visit, Staff of dairy narrated and explained all features of plant, starting from receiving of raw milk from different parts of Tamil Nadu, processing, lab testing, pasteurization, packing in different quantity, nutritional levels, preparation of other milk products and reaching to public. One of AAVIN's key strengths lies in its robust procurement system. It sources milk directly from farmers, offering fair prices and ensuring a steady income for countless rural households. This approach not only supports farmers but also maintains the quality of milk supplied to consumers. Furthermore, AAVIN's emphasis on technological advancements has propelled efficiency in milk processing. State-of-the-art equipment and stringent quality control measures are employed at its processing plants, ensuring that consumers receive safe and nutritious dairy products. The students gained knowledge over the different types of milk processed using various machinery at the factory such as Green – standardized & pasteurized milk, Blue – Toned milk, Orange – Full cream milk and Violet – Pasteurized cow milk. Overall, the visit reinforced the connection between academic learning and industry practices, equipping the students with a deeper understanding of the complexities involved in managing industrial operations.
MBA Department has organized an industrial visit to “Parle- G Biscuit production unit at Modern Bakers (Madras) Pvt Ltd on 20.09.2024. The visit consisted of 50 students of I & II MBA along with 2 faculty members Ms.M.Manjula Devi, Assistant Professor & Dr.S.Velayutham, Associate Professor. Industrial Visit were an integral part of management education and it is the experience that helps students to gain first hand information regarding the functioning of various industries. It provides students with an opportunity to learn practically through interaction and practices. It gives exposure from an academic point of view. Mr.A.Raj Paul, HR Manager of Parle-G guided students during the Visit. He displayed a documentary film on Parle Industry explaining the working of the plant and gave an insightful presentation related to the working of the plant and its production including the automation of the plant which follows the highest hygiene standards. He also described the diversified functions of the company in a nutshell and throws light on the market share of the product as well. Further during the visit, students were accompanied by Production in-charge who took students throughout the production unit and explained them about the raw materials, quality analysis, recipe preparation, molding and packing conditions of Parle-G biscuits right from the dough (the first input) to the last stage i.e., packaging and how each step is performed mechanically. In packing section, wrapping of biscuits is only done; the printing of wrapper has separate section. The environment inside was aesthetic, pure, and hygienic. The Parle-G products are economically so affordable that they are marketed even in the remotest part of the country. Overall, the visit was highly interactive and a great learning experience for the students on the concepts related to production and operations within a manufacturing plant. The combination of learning while having fun was made possible by seeing the assembly process in person. The visit was highly informative and helped to see the practical exposure.
MBA department has organized an Industrial visit to “Integral Coach Factory (ICF)”
Perambur on 15.03.2024. The visit consisted of 30 students along with two faculty members.
Industrial visit is a part of the college curriculum and holds a special place in the professional
career of students. It helps students to get insight into real-world problems. Students can
understand the internal working of an organization through an industrial visit.
During the visit, students were accompanied by Senior Technical Executive Officer
(Mr. Balaguravaiah) who interacted with students to gain knowledge and explore the
industrial techniques. There are 300+ types of train coaches manufactured and assembled in
their premises. Their latest train model is ‘Vande Bharat’ – 200 km/hr and another new
model of ‘Vande Bharat - 250 km/hr speed’ is under process. They are manufacturing 6
coaches per day.
The Shell division comprises of production and assembling of Bogie (bottom), Side
Wall and Roof of the train coaches. The Furnishing division comprises of seat fixing,
insulation, PVC pasting and etc. Once the train is fully assembled they are conducting rain
check to find leakages, if any. They are using high-tech machines including Static bogie
testing machine, 5CNC axis bogie frame machine, 3CNC axis, Milling machine, Bolster
welding manipulator (Robotic machine for welding), Zigger fixer, CNC plasma cutting
machine, Stiffener, Resistance welding, Carline welding and so on.
workers are working in the factory; among them 5,000+ are contract workers. Overall
it was an informative, interesting and a successful visit.
Department of Management Studies have organized Intercollegiate Management Meet “ZEST 2K25” on 7th March 2025. The symposium witnessed the enthusiastic participation of over 180 students from 24 different Arts & Science and Engineering colleges. The Programme was well received by the participants.
The Magnanimous Management of MNM Jain Engineering College announced free registration. MBA Department Brochure was given to all the participants at the registration desk in order to boost-up MBA admission for the upcoming academic year. Special lunch, Tea and Snacks were arranged for all the participants.
The inauguration ceremony started at 9.30 AM with the Lighting a Kuthu Vilakku, setting the stage for a day filled with knowledge sharing and healthy competition. The Head of the Department, Dr.P.Abirami gave the Welcome address. The Principal, Dr.C.Chandrasekar Christopher delivered the Presidential address. Then, Ms.K.Logeshwari, student coordinator gave a brief introduction about the Chief Guest Mr. R.SATHISHRAJ, CEO, E-Crusaders.
The chief guest gave the inaugural speech on “Life Skills - Goal Setting”. The Guest shared his life journey from college to his career as a CEO and addressed the students with motivational talk. He insisted that everyone should have a dream and write your dreams in a notebook, which will help to achieve your dream one day. He finished his speech with a quote “Don’t focus on the winners instead focus on your goal and the winning point”.
Tea and snacks were distributed to all the participants. After the refreshments, events were started at 11 am in respective rooms as planned. EVENTS: The symposium featured with 5 exciting events:
Technical Events:
Non- Technical Events:
BUSINESS PLAN - Participants should prepare and give a presentation about their company idea, target market, business model, revenue model, growth plan, and challenges along with the solution. Ms. Dharani, Senior HR Executive, Sosaley Technologies Pvt Ltd was invited as a Judge. Total 8 teams participated.
INNOVATIA – Participants asked to create a new product by combining 2 given product categories and then oral presentation were given by each team about their product features, price, financial source, tagline, logo and competitor. Dr.K.Sampath Kumar, Senior Professor from the Shiv Nadar University was invited as a Judge. Total 4 teams participated.
IPL AUCTION - The event consisted of two rounds: Quiz and Auction. Top 10 teams from round one were selected for the final round. Teams were judged based on team composition, budget management and squad overview. Total 26 teams participated.
FLASH CARD - Participants are involved in identifying the famous personalities from different field and state those personalities within specified time limit. Total 16 teams participated.
FIRELESS COOKING - Students were asked to prepare the food items without the help of fire. They eagerly participated and prepare many delicious food items within the specified time. Total 9 teams participated.
VALEDICTORY PROGRAMME - Valedictory Programme was started at 3.30 pm. Mr.J.MAGESH, Talent Acquisition Manager, DBS Bank was invited as the Chief Guest. The keynote address was delivered by Ms.A.Kuzhali, II MBA student. Then, Ms.V.Madhumitha, Student coordinator gave an introduction to the chief guest. The Chief Guest gave a motivational speech on the career guidance. He spoke about the various skills to crack the interview. The winners of all Technical Event and Non-Technical events were awarded with Cash Prizes and Trophies. The Overall winner of ZEST 2k25 was “EVA STALIN BUSINESS SCHOOL”. Mr.Srirama Desigan, Student coordinator delivered a Vote of thanks by thanking the Management, Guest, Judges, Staff members and all the participants. The intercollegiate management meet was successfully concluded with the National Anthem.
The Department of Management Studies, MNM Jain Engineering College has been conducting various Co-curricular activities with an objective of motivating and guiding the Young Graduates. ZEST 2024 – A State Level Inter Collegiate Management Meet serves as a launching pad for Young minds and it promotes competitive spirit amidst the student community.
The Department of Management Studies, MNM Jain Engineering College has been conducting various Co-curricular activities with an objective of motivating and guiding the Young Graduates. ZEST 2020 – A State Level Inter Collegiate Management Meet serves as a launching pad for Young minds and it promotes competitive spirit amidst the student community.
Club Name | Activities Conducted |
Finance Club | IPL AUCTION |
Marketing Club | CROSS WORD & ADZAP |
The Reader’s Club coordinator Ms. Logeshwari. K conducted a series of activities on27/09/2024. The first activity is “CROSSWORD PUZZLE” conducted by Ms. Chandini. B and in which the Finance Club emerged victorious out of the four participating clubs.
Staff Coordinator: Ms. Manjula Devi
Student Coordinator: Ms. Logeshwari. K
Activity - II
The second activity is about Dice Braker. In this snake and ladder game, a team member from the respective club has to roll on the dice and select an activity from 3 chits hat will be placed, each chits contains a different activity.
A member from each club should roll on dice and pick one chit, and that member will perform based on the activity selected. The staff coordinator of the event is Ms. Manjula Devi, the president of the event is Ms. Logeshwari. K, the rules and regulation of the event is announced by Ms. Logeshwari. K. The winner of this activity will be determined based on the highest number of the place secured by the clubs in the snake and ladder game.
Winner : FINANCE CLUB who has secured 17th place in the snake and ladder game and victorious out of the participating clubs.
The ED Club coordinator Mr.S.Yuvan Raakesh conducted a series of activities on 08/10/2024. The first activity is “IDENTIFY THE ENTREPRENEUR WITH THEIR BRAND” Conducted by Mr.S.Yuvan Raakesh and in which
the ED Club emerged victorious out of the four participating clubs.
Staff Coordinator: Dr P Abirami
Student Coordinator:Mr.S.Yuvan Raakesh
Activity - II
In this activity, there will be 5 participants from each club were required to present a business plan based on a product name they randomly pick chits from the bowl were labeled with different product names Soap, Comb, Pickle, and
Broom Stick. After selecting a product, the participants had to create a detailed business plan, including the product name, logo, slogan, competitive advantages, funding plan, and market strategy.
Each team was given 5 minutes to prepare and 10 minutes to present their business plan. The objective was to highlight their creativity and innovation in developing a business model for the product they chose.
The judge for the event was Mr. Ramesh Udhayakumar, and the rules and regulations were announced by Ms.R.Mirudula the winning team was selected based on the level of creativity and innovation displayed in their presentations.
The Reader Club emerged as the winner with their innovative business plan for the product Pickle and showcased creativity in their presentation and strategy.
Activity - I
The Marketing Club has conducted an event called “CROSSWORD” on 25/10/2024.
Rules and regulations of find the missing letter:
1.Mobile phones are not allowed
2. Discuss only within club
3.15 min time for 15 questions
Staff Coordinator: Mr A Prabu Asirvatham
Student Coordinator:Ms.Mithuna K Menon
Activity - II
The Marketing Club has conducted “ADZAP” on 25/10/2024 at 2:30 p.m. In this game, different chits will be placed in the box, each with a different name or topic written on it. A member from each team should pick one chit, and that member will perform based on the topic. The rules and regulation of the event was announced by Ms.Mithuna.K.Menon.
Winner : The winner of this event was READERS CLUB. The overall winner goes to READERS CLUB.
Activity - I
The HR Club has conducted an Event called “GROUP DISCUSSION” on 22/09/2024.
Staff Co-ordinator : Ms.Brindha.S
StudentCo-ordinator: Madhumita.V
Judge : Ms.B.Durgha
Rules and regulations for Group Discussion:
Do’s :
Mobile phones were not allowed.
Preparation time allocated is5minutes and presentation time given10minutes.
Two seniors and three juniors have to participate.
Points will be calculated as a group.
Communication only through English.
Readers Club: Climate change and global responsibility. What can individuals and government does to combat climate change.
Marketing Club: The Future of Work: Will automation and AI replace human jobs, or create new opportunities?
Finance Club: Mental health awareness: How can we reduce stigma and promote mental well-being in society?
ED Club: The role of education in personal development: Is traditional education still the best path for success.
In this group discussion, to pic will be selected by the team members and they have to discuss about the pics and conclude within 10 minutes and marks will be based on the communication, fluency and content on which they are speaking and the active participation of all the participants.
Staff Coordinator: Ms.Manjula Devi. M
Student Coordinator: Ms.Logeshwari.K
The MNM Jain Engineering College organized Alumni Meet on 25.01.2025 to reunite former students, strengthen alumni connections, and provide a platform for networking and collaboration. The alumni of the MBA department delivered a speech about their journey after graduation, emphasizing the impact of the institution on their professional and personal life. Overall the Alumni meet 2025 was a resounding success and paved the way for future collaborations and continued engagement.
Topic : “How to crack Bank Exam & techniques to follow”
Alumni : Ms. N. Dharani (2020-22 Batch)
Designation : Officer – Credit, Punjab National Bank
We are happy to bring it to your notice that our passed out Alumni has
cleared her bank exams and got Credit Officer post in Punjab National Bank due to
her MBA (Finance) degree. She came to inform in the department about her
posting and salary around 96k per month. So, we asked her to address our MBA
students about her experience.
The session begins with an understanding related to her personal experience
as a student in the college and how she has reached to this stage. She shared her
experience about the various struggles, obstacles faced by her in getting a bank job.
She explained about the benefits of appearing for a bank exam with MBA
(Finance) degree when compared to an UG degree. She has shared her experience
of “How to crack the Bank exam” with strong determination and dedication. She
advised the students to develop strong knowledge in finance and to prepare
consistently for logical reasoning and aptitude. Overall the session was interactive
and informative.
The Department of Management Studies conducted Association Inauguration Program
on 04.10.2024. It started with the Prayer song and Welcome address was given by our beloved
HOD Dr.P.Abirami. Our beloved Principal Dr.C.Chandrasekar Christopher delivered the
keynote address. He enlightened the minds of the young hearts by delivering the speech based on
the importance of planning the activities and skill sets which plays a vital role to achieve in one’s
The guest provided a lively and insightful explanation about the stock market and its role
in wealth creation. He emphasized that the stock market is not a form of gambling but rather a
structured investment opportunity. Investing in the stock market is a type of saving, where
individuals can grow their wealth over time through informed decision-making. He also
highlighted the safety aspect of stock market investments when compared to other forms of
modern speculative assets, such as Bitcoins. While crypto currencies can be highly volatile and
unpredictable, the stock market, when approached with research and strategy, offers a relatively
safer and more stable platform for investment. It allows investors to own a piece of companies
and benefit from their growth, making it a secure alternative for those looking to build long-term
financial security. He cautioned students about the potential for emotional decisions, particularly
fear and greed, which can lead to irrational trading. He stressed that successful investors are
those who remain calm and rational, even during market downturns, and stick to their well-
thought-out strategies instead of reacting to short-term market movements. Overall, the lecture
provided not only debunked common myths about the stock market but also equipped students
with practical advice on how to start their investment journey wisely.